Friday, December 7, 2012

Sheila and Sarah Day 7--

Sarah Day 7--

When I take a minute to look back and reflect on everything that my family has been through this year, I find it hard to believe that we made it through it all. I think my dad, mom, brother and I could all agree that our faith has been put to the test. I also think that we could agree on the fact that we could not have made it through it all without the wonderful people in our lives.

One person who has been there to love and comfort me every single day is my boyfriend, Jesse. I couldn't ask for anyone better to stand by my side everyday. He is the best listener, when I need to vent, and he gives great advice when I need some direction. He has let me cry on his shoulder more times than I can count, and he always wipes away the tears. He says what he means, and means when he says. He doesn't take anything for granted. He has been my rock this year, and for that I am grateful.

Today, I am thankful for Jesse's wonderful mama for putting that boy on this earth! Jeri has accepted me from the second I walked through her door almost 6 years ago. She has considered me a part of the family since the beginning, and she has always treated me like her own daughter. She is kind and generous and she is always thinking of others first. Don't get me wrong, she is probably one of the most sarcastic people I know, next to me of course. Which is probably why we get along so well!

Jeri has raised Jesse to be one of the most respectful people I have ever met. He doesn't talk down upon anyone or complain about anything. He will drop everything to be there for the people he loves, and he will never ask for anything in return. He is supportive, kind, understanding and clearly very handsome. I couldn't ask for anything more!

To show a little appreciation for Jeri, I had some flowers delivered to her work. This is a small gesture compared to everything that she has given me throughout the years. She has given me strength, hope and courage. She pushes me to go after my goals and make something for myself. She is supportive and she never wants me to hold back. She has always believed in me.

I think it is important for all of us girls with wonderful boyfriends, to thank their mother. Mom's and sons have an incredible bond. I have always thought that a person call tell a lot about a boy by his mother. Jesse and Jeri are no different. Both incredible people, and two people that I can not imagine my life without.

Jeri, I want to thank you for being a wonderful part of my life, and for raising your son to be the man of my dreams.


Sheila Day 7--

This is beginning to be a problem!  I am finding myself waking up in the middle of the night, reaching over for my phone, and making notes about the things that I can do for either the next day, or the days to come.  Then when the time comes, the spirit blows and the ideas seem to blow everywhere, and it becomes impossible to do only ONE thing per day.  In fact, over and over, there is a barrage of things that have actually happened throughout my day; however, I do not ever want to write the next epic novel thus have to opt to keep things short and sweet.

Today, is about stopping to smell the ROSES!  My sister Dawn a.k.a Ronnie to me is an INCREDIBLE photographer.  She captures the most amazing images and I am continually in awe of her gift to create a timeless memory.  My favorite pictures that she does are the ones of babies!  I love babies!  I love that in each child there is a message of hope and Dawn manages to encapsulate that message of hope for parents in a single shot.  She really is brilliantly gifted and I am incredibly proud of her.

This is her busiest time of the year.  She is literally buried.  It seems as though she begins to dig her way in around the beginning of November and is fully covered as the Christmas season approaches.  It is hard because I know that there is little or nothing that I can do to lighten her load or lift her spirits.  Sooooooooooooo, with that being said, my "act of kindness" for today is dedicated to my baby sister . . . she would say my "much younger baby sister" and I assure you THAT is totally untrue;)

When I woke up today I was reminded that in the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season, we often need to be reminded to look around us, to listen, to see . . . do you see what I see?  Do you hear what I hear?  Are you listening?  Are you looking?  Can you feel the Spirit of Christmas blowing in your life . . . shhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . there it is . . . sigh . . . isn't IT amazingly beautiful and totally breathtaking?  It is really important that in important in our busy lives that we take just a minute and stop and smell the roses . . . look for the beauty in our lives.

Today I sent my sister a bouquet of flowers complete with the message: Dear Ronnie, I know how busy you are this time of the year, but wanted to remind you to stop and smell the roses.  I love you!  Sheila.  It was the coolest thing because as I told the clerk the message over the phone, she sighed . . . that is a good reminder for all of us.  My mission of the morning was accomplished!  HOWEVER, as it often does, life happens.

I waited all day to hear if she loved the flowers and if somehow they brightened the day just a tish more  . . . and I waited . . . and I waited . . . and I waited.  Finally, at 5:30 I called the flower shop that I had placed the order at only to discover my sister was probably buried all day in her work load and did not get to enjoy her gift today, but rather will have to wait until tomorrow.

This is not about me . . . it is about her.  I know how much she needs a little Christmas Spirit right now.  I know that as she creates memory after memory after memory that folks will receive as gifts this season, a very weary and creative photographer has sat attached to her computer much like a child growing in its mother's womb attached by the umbilical cord.  So IF she by chance reads this tonight, I want her to know how much I love her, and that tomorrow I am with her in spirit just as I was today. Remember . . . take time to stop and smell the roses.

Wishing you beautiful bouquets,

Isn't my baby sister AMAZING!  These are the precious little ones filled with Christmas HOPE that she is passionate about!


  1. Thank you for the reminder. The little baby in Santa's boot helps me stop and count my blessings. :)

  2. I just received my beautiful bouquet at 11:00 this morning and today I CAN stop and smell the roses and the amazing Holiday greens mixed in them that has spread a Holiday Aroma throughout my Studio! I can't look at them without tears in my eyes knowing the love behind them. I am humbly blessed by my sister- my friend!


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