Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sarah and Sheila Day 1

Sarah Day 1--

My good friend Brittney (aka Bert) has been there for me through everything that has happened with my parents this year. She is currently in Graduate school working on her masters degree in social work . . . I'm pretty sure she is studying my case haha. She has been a great listener and has given me plenty of advice!

Today, I brought some joy to Bert! Not by doing anything particularly special, but just by being together. We have a good friend who is getting married next weekend, and Bert needed a new dress, so we went to Fargo. We shopped around for a while, went out to eat, and shopped some more. We talked about everything from memories back in middle school, to talking about what our lives will be like in the future. We had lots of good conversation about things that friends don't often have the chance to talk about. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives, that we forget to ask our friends about theirs, and that is important to do in order to keep a friendship.

I know that what I did today wasn't much, and it caused me as much joy as it did her, but we had a great time. I can only hope that we will have many more days like today! This day made me realize how truly grateful I am for friendship . . . and shopping. =)

Sheila Day 1--

My mom is AMAZING!  I have always loved that she gives in the most unique of ways.  I have witnessed this firsthand and aspire to mirror the manner in which she does for others.  With that being said, Day 1 is dedicated to doing something for my mom.

Today went with my mom and eight others ladies to The Church Basement Ladies where we could start out our month of giving with laughter.  I invited mom a long time ago, but knew it was an opportunity to do something special for an incredible woman.  I wanted her to be with me as I went with some of the church ladies from my former congregation.  All of these women are people I love and bring a whole lot of joy into my life.

We had 2 vehicles of ladies of all ages from 13 to 70+ as we trekked off to Grand Forks for a day of fun.  It was my treat for my mom.  Not a gift for any reason except that I love her.  Mom always has a little treat in her purse and out came the Werthers complete with baggie.  It was chuck full so we passed it down and all the ladies took a few to carry them through until the play was over.  When the play began . . . we laughed!  And laughed!  And laughed! 

After the play, we went for supper.  My treat for my mama!  She deserves to be treated special.  She argued with me about who was gonna pay asking me if my mother hadn’t taught me anything about arguing . . . I laughed, and said, NOPE!  Guess not!  My treat . . . I WON!

On the way home, the conversation flowed.  It was fun to hear my mom interacting with all of the ladies that mean so much to me in my life.  Last words from Mom . . . Thank you . . . it was a great timeJ

1 comment:

  1. Sheila - I cry and wish my Mom was here. Good words / God Bless and bring you good tidings in 2013. Jill Quale


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